It must be incredibly relieveing to ghost someone, in fact I know it is because I have ghosted many people...I imagine and have experienced it as a "thank God", "good riddance", "dodged that bullet", and "I'm so glad I got out of that situation".... You don't really have too nor do you think about the person or what happened ever again. Its criminal. You easily erase, dispose, and escape without a word.
Being a victim to ghosting is traumatizing. It feels disposable, rejecting, dismissive, replaceable, as if you never existed in the first place. It makes you question yourself and the person who committed the crime, it feels the world you were living in, is now upside down. Its disorienting. Like you are drowning and grasping pathetically at water in desperation of any sense, or answers as to what just happened.
I hadn't thought about the many people I ghosted until now. I am truly sorry to all the people I have ghosted I never want to make another human being feel this way.
You make think you "dodged the bullet", but you were the one who shot the gun.